Category Archives: Education

Dealing with tantrums

Posted on October 17, 2016
The dreaded tantrum. Tantrums can test the limits of even the best parents, especially when you’re dealing with one in public. Any parent of a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) knows that kids with ASD are more susceptible to tantrums and have more triggers than other children. What’s not always obvious to parents is that your child is not simply acting out, he’s likely trying to communicate with ...Read More

How autism programs differ from public schools

Posted on June 14, 2016
When it comes to education for children with autism, the great debate is whether to mainstream or go to a school specifically designed for kids with autism. It is a choice that almost all parents of kids on the spectrum consider at one point or another. The answer that’s right for your child depends on where they fall on the spectrum, how prepared/accepting your public school is of autism and ...Read More

How to Help Children With Autism Make Friends

Posted on May 18, 2016
Children on the autism spectrum, especially those on the milder side often want to make friends, but have trouble picking up on social cues, such as body language, hand gestures, figures of speech and facial expressions. Kids with autism may also portray behavior and use language that other kids perceive as odd or unusual. These differences can make it difficult for them to make friends and put them at risk ...Read More

What is the best school for my child with ASD?

Posted on April 29, 2016
Parents often wonder what school is best for their child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The truth is that different schools are the right fit for different students. Public or private isn’t nearly as important as how the people at the school interact with your child. Some children with Autism thrive in a public school setting, even those who are nonverbal. Unfortunately, many also face bullying, teachers that fail to ...Read More

Tips to help an autistic child transition to middle school

Posted on April 22, 2016
The transition to middle school can be filled with uncertainty, anxiety and apprehension, especially for those with Autism and their parents. While change is scary, it is also necessary for growth, progress and opportunity. The good news is that with proper planning there are several things you can do to ease your child’s stress (not to mention your own), help your child look forward to middle school and have a ...Read More

Should I consider college for my child with Asperger’s?

Posted on March 22, 2016
Sending your child off to college for the first time makes every parent nervous, but that concern is greatly magnified for parents of children with Asperger’s. Parents of kids with AS often worry how their children will handle academic challenges, as well as social and emotional pressures. No parent wants to set their child up for failure, which is why it is important to evaluate your child’s college-readiness and find ...Read More

Will my child get overwhelmed by the noise in public school?

Posted on February 29, 2016
People with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) often struggle with sensory stimulation and may be particularly sensitive to noise. While no single type of sensory problem is consistently connected with ASD, audiologist have found that people on the autism spectrum may hear sounds differently than the general population. They are commonly hypersensitive (overly sensitive) to sound, hyposensitive (under sensitive) to sound, or a combination of the two. Someone who is hyposensitive ...Read More

Preparing an Autism Spectrum Child for a New School

Posted on January 31, 2016
Transitioning to a new school is a big change for any child, but for those on the Autism spectrum, it can be particularly stressful. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle with change, as “difficulties with transition” is actually a symptom of ASD. The good news is, with a little planning and preparation you can help ease your child’s anxiety, as well as your own. Here are a few ...Read More

Homeschooling A Child With Autism

Posted on January 14, 2016
As any parent knows, raising a child is rewarding but does not come without challenges and tough decisions. Parents of children with autism face additional challenges such as understanding their child’s unique needs, teaching important life skills and providing an education. While public school systems in Virginia are required to provide education for students with disabilities, including ASD, the public school environment isn’t a fit for every student. Other education ...Read More

Why Children With Autism Thrive In A School Setting

Posted on December 12, 2015
Children with autism and ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders) often struggle with communication, social situations, anxiety and other behaviors. Even so, children with autism and ASDs can thrive in a school setting, some even going on to attend college and secure jobs or volunteer work. Why Education Is Important To Children With Autism Education is important to all children, even those without autism.  What we learn in school goes beyond reading, ...Read More

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